Bournemouth Folk Dance Club
Bournemouth Folk Dance Club is a happy & friendly group of around 40 members who enjoy an evening of dancing & socialising.
Anyone is welcome to come & join us every Monday, from 7:30pm to 10:00pm - see the Find us page for the when, where & programme details.
Do come along – stay for 1 week (your first visit is free), two weeks, or maybe stay a lifetime if you find the exercise, dancing and company are for you. To find out more about us - visit our About us page.
We do encourage the members to call the dances; but we often have outside local callers & musicians to make the evening an extra special occasion. These are noted on the programme.
Our Day of Dance in early spring, held for the last 2 years, has been very well received. This year is nearly upon us - book it now!
There is also a Summer Dance, which we arrange jointly with the Salisbury Folk Dance Club; and an Afternoon Tea Dance in November. Details of these dances & more, can be found on our Specials page.
If you are interested in other Local Clubs events, there is a page listing the details of many local clubs, with a link to their website - if they have one.
The Links page lists:
Websites that advertise events in the south of England
Folk Sales in the UK
Websites of interest to dancers & callers of English & more folk dancing
Places in the UK, that are of historical significance for English folk dancing