Bournemouth Folk Dance Club Library
Club Library of Folk Dance Books & CDs of Music
Current State of the Library
The club has a Library of books, CDs & calling cards, generously donated by past & present members. It is now too large to fit into the club's cupboard, & is therefore held off site. For more info contact a Librarian - see below.
Library Lists of Contents
There are lists of the books & the CDs in the library, which are accessible to all club members. Please contact the librarians, preferably by electronic methods, for a copy.
Accessibility of Library Items
The books, CDs & calling cards are available for all club members to peruse & borrow. Please contact a librarian if you want to look, beg or borrow any item(s). They will be brought along to the next club meeting.
Please return any borrowed library items as soon as conveniently possible.
Aims of the Library
To generate a collection of folk dance books & CDs for the benefit of the membership, & for future generations of english folk dancers.
To support local people who create tunes & dances.
Donated items, found to be duplicates, will either be distributed amongst club members, or given to Folk Sales.
Richard email: or ring: 07888 759471