Bournemouth Folk Dance Club Find Us
Where: we meet every Monday evening, from 7.30 to 10.00pm, at the:
Annunciation Church Hall, 218 Charminster Road, Charminster, Bournemouth BH8 9RW.
(Except for some Bank Holidays.)
Membership is £5 per annum, & £3 on the evening.
When: Club Programme
There is always a short break during the evening. Please bring your own refreshments.
However, if it is a Special Dance evening, or if there is a Guest Caller &/or there are Musicians, then drinks are offered, but please bring your own mug!
Opening days during the summer break:
We are open as normal during August, & encourage all visitors - as well as coming - to come and call a selection of their own favourite dances. These evenings are not limited to just our club callers. Please bring your own selection.
Dances called at the club:
To view the list of dances called for any year click here.
There is a sheet/page for each year. The tabs are located at the bottom of the page.